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About the use of the site and services of VIX & GreeX



This document (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer") is an official public offer of the VIX & GreeX Company, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, in relation to the provision of services and expresses the Contractor's intention to conclude an agreement on the terms of this offer with any person who accepts the offer.

Terms used in the offer:

Offer - this document, published on the Internet at:

Acceptance of the offer - full and unconditional acceptance of the offer by payment by the Customer of the invoice issued by the Contractor.

Agreement - an agreement between the Customer and the Contractor, which is concluded on the terms of the offer by means of its acceptance. In the offer and in the concluded agreement, the Customer and the Contractor are separately referred to as the Party, and together - the Parties.

Customer - any person (legal, natural, individual entrepreneur) who accepts the offer.

The Contractor's website is an information resource owned by the Contractor and hosted on the Internet at

For services provided through the Internet, the company VIX & GreeX is understood as - Individual entrepreneur Shapovalov Artem Aleksandrovich.

Details of the Contractor (the parties to the contract) will always be indicated in the invoice (or invoice of the payment system).


The GENERAL CONDITIONS of the contract set forth in the offer and the PRIVATE TERMS (hereinafter referred to as the "TERMS") together form an agreement on the provision of services and the use of the website (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement)


The conclusion of the Agreement is made by joining the Customer to the Agreement by accepting (accepting) the terms of the Agreement as a whole, without any conditions, exceptions and reservations.

You can accept the TERMS of the Agreement in the following ways:

(A) by performing an action indicating acceptance of the TERMS of the agreement: by clicking on a button, by ticking a checkbox or by a similar action on the page of the service; or

(B) your actual use of the Services and Site Materials. In this case, you agree that we will consider the fact of using the Services as acceptance of the TERMS (offer acceptance).


Under this Agreement, the Contractor provides the Customer with services for accessing remote courses by providing materials, resources and information in instant messengers, social networks, as well as by conducting audio and video classes on various Internet platforms, and also provides services for holding events in an offline format, and the Customer undertakes to pay for the services rendered to him in accordance with the terms of the contract. Access to remote courses is possible on the territory of all countries of the world.

The services provided are not educational activities, and the materials (content) provided are not educational programs.

The provision of services does not imply your further employment or assistance in employment.


The Customer can be any person who accepts the TERMS and uses the Site and the Services. To receive paid services, the Customer must have full capacity and be a person over 18 years of age. In cases of concluding the Agreement on behalf of the organization, the representative of the organization must have the necessary scope of authority.


Services and free materials

The scope of services available to you depends on the purchased product (content) and the selected service package on the Site. If you use the services or materials available in the open sections of the Site, you receive only basic information on the topic of interest.

Paid services

In the case of purchasing paid services on the Site, you receive extended information, as well as access to closed content and paid services. You can purchase a single product (both online and offline) for a one-time fee, reserve participation in a live event, or purchase a paid renewal subscription. Some prepaid service packages mean getting access immediately to several services or various content.

Please note that when receiving the services, it always implies your own work and the performance by you of certain actions that are part of the process of providing the services. The provision of services and your independent work are not carried out in the form of a curriculum, a calendar study schedule or programs of educational subjects.

Paid subscription to services

In the process of making a paid renewable subscription to VIX & GreeX services, you will be asked to read the PRIVATE CONDITIONS of the contract - the terms of the subscription. Along with the GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS, the subscription terms govern the procedure for issuing, paying for and canceling a paid subscription to the VIX & GreeX services and are an integral part of your contractual agent.


By using the Site or the Services, you accept, without limitation, the TERMS AND CONDITIONS of the Agreement, as well as our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the content of these documents, leave the site and stop using the services.

When interpreting the terms of this Agreement, one should understand the literal meaning of the words and expressions contained in it.

upon registration. In some cases, you may, if necessary, refuse to receive them.

You must comply with all the Terms and Conditions, which you will be asked to review when paying for an order or in the process of using the Services offered on the site. You agree that you will not engage in any activity that disrupts the operation of the Site, the Services, or their associated servers or networks.

You accept full responsibility for any breach of your obligations under the Terms and for all consequences of such breach.


The procedure for the formation and conclusion of the relevant transaction (agreement) depends on the Service you have chosen and the method of payment.

The moment of conclusion of the contract

By visiting the Site and using the free materials and services posted in the open sections of the Site, you enter into an agreement with us to use the materials of the Site. By registering to receive free content or by subscribing to a free mailing list, you enter into an Agreement with us. In such a case, the Agreement includes GENERAL and PRIVATE CONDITIONS of the agreement. In the case of purchasing paid Services or making a paid subscription to the Services, you enter into a Service Agreement with us at the moment you click on the “Participate in” or “Purchase” button (or buy). In such a case, the Agreement includes the General Conditions and the PRIVATE CONDITIONS of the agreement.

In case of payment for the order without using the system for accepting electronic payments, the Agreement with you is considered concluded at the moment of payment by you of the invoice issued by us.

Correction of input errors

By registering on our Site or ordering services, you can at any time interrupt the purchase process and correct input errors until the registration or registration process is completed. You can also always contact us and report input errors and inaccuracies in your personal data.


The cost of the Services is published on the page for ordering the Services, on our Website, as well as in email notifications sent to you. The final cost of the Services in the currency of payment is fixed in the invoice issued to you, displayed on the page of payment for the services, as well as in the bank statement on your card. The cost of the Services does not include additional commissions of banks and payment systems.


Write-off of funds

In the case of purchasing paid services on the site, at the time of placing the order (successful entry of payment details into the frame of the payment system), the amount of the service is debited. The cost of services is indicated without taking into account the commissions of payment systems.

When paying for services by card, the debit amount is determined based on the exchange rate of the international payment systems VISA or MasterCard. In addition to the cost of services, the write-off amount includes additional commissions from banks and payment systems.

Failure to fulfill payment obligations

We reserve the right to make claims for violation of the established terms of payment for services. In case of impossibility to write off funds from your payment card, we have the right not to start rendering the Services or suspend them until the moment of payment.


You can find out about the available payment methods for our Services by contacting the support service at the numbers indicated on the Site. You understand that by paying for the services by transfer, you confirm your agreement to the TERMS of the Services.

We reserve the right, at any time, at our sole discretion, to change the payment method for the purchased product and / or refuse the previously offered payment method, offering alternative.


One-time Services

Any one-time Services / pre-paid packages of Services purchased on the Site may be offered for a certain period (have a fixed term for the provision of the Services). In this case, after the expiration of the specified period, the provision of the Services will be terminated at the time of the end of the specified period of the provision of the Services.

You understand and agree that we may unilaterally postpone the date and time of the provision of the Services and the provision of content and this is not considered a violation of the Agreement on our part.


Subscriptions to our services are offered with different minimum durations (minimum subscription period) and the minimum subscription period automatically renews until such time as you or we cancel. Please note that the duration of the subscription is determined by the selected tariff plan and the terms of the subscription.

Term of access to content

Some packages of the Services provide the user with access to certain content for a limited period. In this case, you are guaranteed to get access to the content for the period indicated on the product page.



Opt Out Policy

You have the right to refuse the paid Services by notifying us of this within the terms established by the Agreement. From the date we receive the return request, the possibility of a return of funds, as well as the amount of deductions associated with the return, depends.

Online Disclaimer Policy

You have the right to refuse to receive online services (access to paid content) within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of payment for the order.

If you applied for a refund within the established period, we undertake to return to you the payments received from you as payment for the relevant Service. To receive a refund, please contact us and submit a refund request in the prescribed manner. If you applied with a refusal to study after (14) calendar days from the moment of payment for the order, the cost of the Services that you actually did not consume is not refundable.

In such a case, the refund amount is determined as the difference between the total cost of the Services and the cost of the Services you actually consumed.

Offline Service Opt-Out Policy

For meetings, at events in a "live" format:

You have the right to refuse to participate in offline events within fourteen

(14) calendar days from the date of order payment.

You have the right to refuse to participate in offline events.

The possibility of a refund and the amount of deductions associated with the refusal depend on the timing when we receive a return request.

If we receive a return request:

Fourteen (14) or more calendar days prior to the commencement date of the Services, regardless


In cases where it is impossible to receive the Services through no fault of ours (for example, failure to appear at an event, health problems, etc.), the cost of the services that you actually did not consume is not refundable.

measures (force majeure). Such events of an extraordinary nature include natural disasters, military operations, acts of state authorities and administration, the spread of COVID-19.

Return processing
To cancel the service and arrange a return, write to us at the address indicated on the Site, and we will confirm receipt of the return request by email at the address indicated in the form. If you do not receive a written confirmation within 24 hours from the moment the letter was sent, please contact our support service at the phone number indicated on the Site.

To process a return, be sure to tell us: full name and email address specified when placing an order; name of the service (name of the content or service package); order date; payment information; reasons for refusing services, as well as other necessary information. You understand that if you fail to comply with the return request process or fail to provide us with the above information, we reserve the right to refuse your return and not consider your application.

Consequences of denial of services

If you have made a request for a refund within the specified time frame, we will return the funds to you in the amount stipulated by this Agreement within fourteen (14) days from the date of receipt of the request. To return the funds, we will use the same payment method that you used when paying for the services. We will deduct from the amount of the refund all additional commissions of banks and payment systems associated with the refund of the payment.


Special conditions


Expiration of the failure period


In cases of receipt of a request for a refund (refusal of services) in violation of the established deadlines for refusal, a refund is not carried out.



By using the Services, you obtain the right to view the Content and use it for your personal purposes, subject to the terms of this agreement, for the entire duration of the Services, unless otherwise specified.

Top brands

The mark for goods and services and the trade name “VIX & GreeX” are registered and owned by us. You may not use these marks for goods and services without our written consent.

All brand names and trademarks mentioned on the Site, including brand names and trademarks owned by third parties, are subject to the applicable laws. Their mention on the Site or in the materials of the company "VIX & GreeX" does not mean that they are not protected by the rights of third parties.

Copyright materials registration and territory of their action.

By using the services of VIX & GreeX, you obtain the right to use the content for personal, non-commercial purposes. The cost of commercial use of copyrighted materials is valued at an amount equivalent to fifty (50,000.00) thousand euros per one calendar month of use.


Pay attention!

Purchasing access to content "in a warehouse" or transferring your credentials to access content to third parties is prohibited - this is "piracy".

Violation of rights provision of the Services and block the account of the violator, without refunding the cost of the services.


The provisions of the law

The scope of consumer rights granted to you by law, in any case, cannot be reduced.

Warranty disclaimer

We make no guarantee that the use of the Services will bring you immediate results. The results of different users may vary significantly when using the same Services.

By using the materials and content, you waive legal action and other forms of claims against us in connection with the results you obtain in the process of using the content and using the services.

You understand that your disagreement with our opinion, including the materials of copyright content provided to you, is not the basis for the return of money.


General Provisions

In cases of violation of obligations by the parties, provision of false information at the conclusion or in the course of execution of the transaction, the parties shall be liable in accordance with the established procedure.

The Contractor is responsible for: violation of the Terms and Conditions for the provision of services; provision of Services of inadequate quality.

The Customer is responsible for: the accuracy and correctness of the registration and payment data specified in the process of registration on the Site or placing an order; use by third parties of credentials used to access the Services; use of materials posted on the Site or provided in the course of rendering.

Services for the purpose of their subsequent transfer, distribution or transfer to third parties; dissemination of inaccurate information about the Contractor that damages business reputation (slander); violation of the Terms of Service; violation of payment terms; interference with the operation of the Site and the available services or an attempt to gain access to them bypassing the instructions of the Contractor.

Limitation of Liability

The cumulative liability of the Contractor for any claim or claim is limited to the amount of the purchased service of inadequate quality or rendered in violation of the deadlines.

violation of the security of equipment and software used by the Customer to receive the Services; loss of confidential information or part thereof, if this is not the fault of the Contractor; any losses of third parties arising through no fault of the Contractor.

In cases of violation by the Contractor of the terms for the provision of services, liability is limited exclusively to: the extension of the terms for the provision of the Services, or the provision of the Services in new terms until full performance.

Responsibility of the Contractor's employees and agents

In those cases where the Contractor's liability is limited or excluded, the same limitation of liability or its exclusion applies to the Contractor's employees or agents.


Content Disclaimer

You are responsible for the content and materials that you post on our Site, in our communities, groups or chats of the project, in the process of using the Services of the Contractor. The provider is not responsible for the materials you post and does not track them.

Compliance with legal requirements

By posting your own content, you are obliged to comply with the requirements of the laws of international law, the laws of Ukraine and the country of residence. In any case, the publication of content of a political, pornographic, sexual nature, promoting violence, sadism, discrimination, containing threats or slander is prohibited.

In addition, your content must also not violate the rights of third parties and contain advertising. This relates to the property and personal non-property rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights (for example, copyright and trademark and trade mark rights). In particular, you are also obliged not to violate the rights of third parties when posting comments/reviews, a profile photo or any pictures that you post.

Unauthorized advertising

The content and materials that you post in the process of using the Contractor's Services must not contain advertising.

The Contractor has the right at any time to remove or move any content posted by you if it considers that it violates the rights of third parties or the requirements of the law.

Compensation for damage

If you violate the terms of the contract, you are obliged to reimburse us for all losses incurred in connection with the satisfaction of the claims of third parties (whose rights you have violated).

The Contractor reserves the right to present you with claims for losses and other requirements, in the manner of registration.


THE CONDITIONS are valid until they are changed or withdrawn by the Contractor.

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The Agreement shall enter into force from the moment the Customer accepts this offer and is valid for the period for which the Customer is provided with access to the Services, but in any case until the full fulfillment of obligations by the parties.


You have the right to terminate your use of the Site and the Services at any time, without stating a reason. To stop using the paid Services, please inform us about this by contacting the customer support service, by one of the phones listed on the Site.

Please note that after you have refused the services (terminated the contract), you will lose access to paid content and available services.

The Contractor reserves the right to terminate the Agreement with you without giving reasons, provided that you are given written notice no later than two (2) weeks before the scheduled date. The Contractor may at any time terminate the agreement concluded with you if:

(A) you have violated any provision of the TERMS (or have acted in a manner that clearly indicates your unwillingness or inability to comply with the TERMS), or

(b) we are required to do so by law (for example, if providing services to you is illegal or ceases to be legal), or

(B) the Contractor terminates the Services in the country in which you reside or use the Services, or

(D) the provision of services becomes unprofitable from the point of view of the Contractor

(E) You refuse to comply with or violate the VIX & GreeX Telegram Chat Rules.

(E) You submitted a Chargeback request to the issuing bank from which you paid for our services, the Contractor will be forced to completely block your access to the Site and to Our services.
Unilateral cancellation of the Agreement for good reasons

Each party has the right to withdraw from the Agreement unilaterally for good reason.

In particular, we have the right to cancel your account and terminate the Agreement immediately, in the event that you repeatedly grossly violate the TERMS, as well as in the event of a debt on the Service.


The Contractor processes your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Policy. You can always find the current version of the Privacy Policy on the Site. These terms govern the collection, processing, use and protection of your personal information.

By using the Site or the Services, by completing the registration forms on the Site, you agree to our Privacy Policy and consent to the collection and processing of your data.

personal data under the specified conditions. If you do not agree with them, stop using the Site.


By attending the events, you grant the Contractor consent to:

(A) organizing and maintaining photo, audio and video shooting, as well as webcasts of open events with your participation;



The Contractor reserves the right to change or supplement the text of this offer (GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE AGREEMENT) by posting on this page the appropriate notice and the new version of the Offer. We strongly recommend that you regularly check this page and the last modified date indicated at the top of the page.

In case of changes in the PRIVATE TERMS of the Agreement, the Contractor will post a new version of the PRIVATE TERMS and CONDITIONS directly on the Site.

If you do not object to the validity of the new TERMS and continue to use the Services, the new version of the Terms is deemed to be accepted by you.

You understand and agree that the use of the Services after a change in the GENERAL or PRIVATE TERMS is considered by the Contractor as your acceptance of these TERMS. In cases where you object to the new wording of the TERMS, the Contractor specifically reserves the right to unilaterally withdraw from the Agreement in the prescribed manner.


Validity of provisions In the event of any discrepancy between the PRIVATE TERMS and GENERAL TERMS, the provisions of the PRIVATE TERMS relating to the relevant Service shall take precedence.

The remaining provisions of the Agreement will continue to be valid and their observance can be ensured in a judicial order.

Applicable law

The relations of the parties are governed by the provisions of the legislation of the country of registration of the Contractor.


Individual entrepreneur - Shapovalov Artyom Alexandrovich
TIN 3428403093

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